Monday, October 15, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About Stucco Repair and the Cost

The stucco repair cost San Jose ranges from $500 to $1600 although it can extend till $3500. If a larger portion of the house needs to be repaired then it would cost around $4000 to $7000. If there is water damage or staining, it can extend up to $15000. If the stucco repair is more extensive and there have been many damages, then you would require a finance to help you in it. For more info about Stucco Repair in San Jose and the cost visit:

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Why should you repair your walls immediately

The common problem is staining. The rainwater washes all the roof and windows of the stucco applied homes and leaves stains. If the stucco repair is cosmetic and there lies no damage, you would surely want to save and then go for it as the cosmetic repair can wait till you save enough for it and is generally less expensive. If the repair is more extensive and there have been many damages and the repair needs to be done immediately, then you would require a finance to help you in it. Stucco Contractor in San Jose can help you to repair your walls easily. To know more visit:

Top 5 Common Stucco Issues in San Jose Homes and How to Fix Them

Stucco is a popular exterior finish for homes in San Jose due to its durability, aesthetic appeal, and ability to withstand various weather ...